Photo of GIANNI FEDELE MAZZA Venezuela

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Nascent San Remo, a coastal city located in northern Italy, on August 22, 1960. At the age of 6 years emigrcon their parents to Venezuela and live in the country since then. Education. Art and Design, the Venezuelan-Spanish artist Father Segundo Gutierrez. Painter sculptor (1975-1977). Private lessons with the Chilean painter JosLus Valenzuela Fuentes. Painter, engraver, etc.. (1979-1982). Free painting classes at the...

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Nascent San Remo, a coastal city located in northern Italy, on August 22, 1960. At the age of 6 years emigrcon their parents to Venezuela and live in the country since then. Education. Art and Design, the Venezuelan-Spanish artist Father Segundo Gutierrez. Painter sculptor (1975-1977). Private lessons with the Chilean painter JosLus Valenzuela Fuentes. Painter, engraver, etc.. (1979-1982). Free painting classes at the academy Atepin: Atelier of painters. Las Mercedes Caracas (1980-1983). A graduate of the University Institute of Technologies Josde Antonio Sucre (1983). Degree obtained: Asst Senior Graphic and Industrial Design. WORK EXPERIENCE. (1981-1983) Professor of Plastic Arts in the IUTAJS. (1985-2004) Design Consultant for various companies. (1990-1992) Professor of Packaging, Perspective, Drawing and Design at the Institute of Design Perera. Avenida Sucre, Los Dos Caminos Caracas, Venezuela. (1992-1996) Manufacture of decorative objects illustrated. (1996 onwards) Decorative Painting and art projects. (2003-2007) and research on art therapy workshops. Solo and group exhibitions. (29 February. 1980). Salon XI Fernando Valero. Liceo Gran Colombia. Watching from the night. leo. (03 June. 1981). Individual exhibition The Night Angel. In IUTAJS with various works from paintings and drawings. (May 8 to 9. 1981). 13 New Trends in Cultural Foundation Arstides Lecuna Bastidas at Av. All the work towards. leo. (August 6 to 17. 1981). Young Painting Venezuela. Bastidas Arstides Cultural Foundation (Agos. September. 1981). New Selection 5 with The Spirit of the Forest. FCAB. (Septiembre.. December 1981). New Selection 6. Presence of Venezuela in Europe. With the Work: The Flight of the following galleries: (September 3 to 9. 1981). (Board of Social Work and Cultural), Caja de Ahorros Asturias, Aviles, Calle Alfonso VII, Spain. (September 10 to 14. 1981) (Casino de Navia) in Navia, Asturias, Spain. (September 15 to 19. 1981) (International Press Center), Pinar 5. Madrid. (September 22 to 30. 1981) (International Centre for Culture and the Arts) Foyer des Artistes. Via Belisario Via Piave, Rome. Italy. (Nov. to Dec. 1981) (Headquarters FCAB), Av Lecuna, Caracas Venezuela. OTHER GROUP. (6 to 16 November. 1988) a vision to Emerging Comic. In the Federal District Gobernacin, Directorate-General for Culture to work Ocultos.leo Realms of 1.30 x 1.70 mts. (Jan.-March. 1989) Comic Art and fantastic. In the Museo de Arte La Rinconada with: The Birth of Abraxas. leo. (April 24 to May 29, 2005) Paper XI, Collective Blasini La Galera, La Campia, Caracas-Venezuela. (October 1 to January. 2007) 2 Meeting of Light and Color in the company's internal gallery Behringer Ingelheim. Banavar Center, Torre B, Piso 3, Chuao. Caracas Venezuela. (May 2007) Corporate Gift Project Executed projects for physicians based on Art Therapy: 3 Works reproduction of therapeutics: Life is like a river, birds of paradise, The Fountainhead, for the pharmaceutical companies Bayer Schering Pharma Bayer HealthCare &. El Rosal, Caracas Venezuela. Gallery with exhibits. - Galera Blasini. The Campia. - Galera marquetry Biba. Center Plaza Los Palos Grandes. - Hannsi Craft Center. El Hatillo. - OC, Mark Picton. The Boyera Plaza Mall. - Galera Budhaart. Lido Centre, Level Galera. - New gallery. CCCT, Level C1. - Souvenir Shop, Hotel Altamira Suites. - Galera Blue Unicorn. Galeras Prado Mall East. - Dimaca. Los Palos Grandes. - Galera Flor. Galeras Prado Mall East. - Annex Clinic peditrico of Avila, Piso 5, Laboratory Bruni Celli (Eugenia Tortoledo Dr. Mara sold.) (0.90 x 1.60 mts.) (Vidyahara: acrylic on fabric).

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